How To Integrate QR Codes Into Your Business

In this lesson – the third in the series on QR codes – we’re going to delve into how to integrate QR codes into your business.

In business, you probably need a barcode in order to keep track of your inventory. The barcode has been the staple form of inventory control and management since the rapid computerization of the stocks and inventory control of companies. You actually do not need to change your system in order make use of the QR Codes since the use of the QR code or even its standardization has not been fully realized nor implemented yet.

As of now, only specialized companies make use of the QR code to its fullest capabilities. But that does not mean it has no use today outside of these specialized companies. With the rising computing power of today’s smartphones and the integration of high quality cameras in them, you can still make some use out of these very sophisticated forms of inventory control stickers.

For one, since people know what a QR code is and so many people already have smart phones, you can put special messages in these codes that can be read and decoded by your smartphone, with the necessary program that is installed and running.

You can place these messages on your company website and when people visit your site, they will see the QR code right beside the product, which is useful if you want to announce special promos for certain products. You then instruct your customers that in order to get hold of those products, they need to scan that QR code that they see on the product and see if it has a special promo or if there are requirements for making use of those promotions.

You can also put prizes in QR Codes that the customers can scan into their cellphones. You can an alternative form of raffling in that prizes are placed in QR codes for certain products that qualify for the raffle. You have the choice of either putting a cover on those QR codes so that the customer can see if they have won, or making those QR codes a form of electronic raffle ticket that will be used in the raffle draws.

There are so many ways to integrate the use of a QR code in a typical business that do not necessarily have to do with inventory control. Because of the amount of data that you can store in a typical QR code, there’s literally a limitless number of ways that you can integrate QR codes into your business.

Using QR codes as a coded message is only one of many examples. You can even post a very big QR code outside your office and let the customers ask what it’s all about. This by itself will arouse interest in what it is, how it works, what it’s saying, etc.

The only thing that will limit what you can do with QR Codes will be your imagination. What started out as a very smart form of inventory control can enhance your business and your profits if used properly, and in creative ways.

That’s it for today’s lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about how to make the most out of QR code assisted advertising.

Lesson 1: What Are QR Codes and What Can They Do For Your Business?

Lesson 2: How Do QR Codes Function and How Do They Compare to Barcodes?