Internet Marketing Tips For 2012: Get Busy With Two Way Conversations

Do you have any idea how many blogs are out there that have zero comments? There’s a lot. The content is exactly what the blog owner was taught to do:

  1. Log onto a free keyword tool. (check!)
  2. Gather the highest volume keywords in a niche with profit potential via tangible or digital sales or ad revenue. (check!)
  3. Create a blog post for each keyword with an exact density level to cater to the search bots. This includes using keywords that make no sense to the human visitor, such as phrases out of order or words spelled horribly wrong. (check!)
  4. Content should be no more than 300 words. (check!)

It’s not the fault of these blog owners for creating such boring, lifeless blogs. They were simply people who came online hoping to make money and following advice of the numerous successful marketers.

But from here on out, things are changing. You have to take responsibility for your own content in 2012 or your site will sink to the bottom of the SERPs. This coming year, your goal should be develop a following.

You can’t do that if all of your readers are lurking. That’s the last thing you want. You want conversations! You want to wake up and 78 new comments to approve. You want to have to ban some IP addresses because your blog generates a few haters or competitors who come to troll your site!

This two-way conversation you’re going to create will require you to do a few things outside of your comfort zone. You’re going to have to get used to hearing dissenting opinions.

You can be in any niche whatsoever and somebody out there is going to disagree with you. Don’t just ban people from your blog because they disagree – only ban people attacking your other bloggers in an outrageous way (like with racist comments or violent threats).

Another uncomfortable thing for you might be the time management it will require for you to engage in a two-way conversation from now on. But guess what? Your return will make up for that.

When you wake up and respond to those 78 approved blog comments, realize that you’re building trust with a loyal audience and they will convert much higher than a visitor who landed on your old blog, saw basic, boring information and clicked out.

Make sure you ask people for their opinions! It’s okay to not know everything. You can be a weight loss expert and ask your readers what their favorite weight loss tips are. People love to be asked their opinions and insights.

By having people contribute comments on your blog that are almost blog post length in their own right, the search engines will see your site as a go-to hot spot for that niche. Keep in mind that you’re developing a relationship with your audience in 2012 – no more talking TO them and hoping they buy from you because you’re so knowledgeable.